Teen boy drowns in sea, friend goes missing

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On information, Tiruvottiyur police rushed to the beach and launched a rescue operation for the missing teen with the help of fishermen.

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Image used for representation.

CHENNAI: A 17-year-old boy drowned in sea off Tiruvottiyur on Monday morning and his friend who went with him is missing.

The deceased was identified as M Rahul Dravid Kumar of Sundarampillai Nagar in Tondiarpet and the missing boy as M Vijay.

“The duo has just completed class 12 and were working for a telecom company as SIM card distributors. On Monday morning, they went to the Tiruchinankuppam beach and both were pulled in by a huge wave while swimming,” said a police officer.

Fishermen who saw them struggling managed to rescue Rahul and rushed him to Government Stanley Hospital, where he died.

On information, Tiruvottiyur police rushed to the beach and launched a rescue operation for the missing teen with the help of fishermen. A case has been registered and an investigation is on.

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