Ayodhya Case Mediators: The 3 Men Tasked With Resolving Dispute

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The Supreme Court today ordered mediation to settle the Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid dispute by a three-member panel including Sri Sri Ravishankar, Justice Kalifulla and Sriram Panchu. The panel has been given eight weeks by the Supreme Court to arrive at a conclusion and four weeks to give a status report. The three members, however, have the liberty to get more people on board if they want, said the top court

Justice FM Kalifulla, 68, is the son of Late Justice M Fakkir Mohamed, who started his career as an advocate in August 1975. He was also an active labour law practitioner. In 2000, Justice Kalifulla was appointed as a permanent Judge of the Madras High Court. Justice Kalifulla was elevated as a judge of the Supreme Court on April 2, 2012.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, 62,  is a spiritual guru, who has been leading a worldwide movement for a violence-free society. Sri Sri had been advocating for a constructive dialogue between the opposing parties on Ram Mandir issue.

Sriram Panchu, 69is a senior advocate and mediator. Founder of The Mediation Chambers, he had set up India’s first court-annexed mediation centre in 2005, and has played a key role in making mediation a part of India’s legal system. Mr Panchu has written two books on mediation. The top court had referred to him as a “distinguished mediator”, “eminent trainer” and “one of the foremost mediators in the country”.

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